Ezekiel Bread (which contains yeast) and baked goods are among the items to avoid while eating Daniel Fast All leavened bread. Keto diets usually have a carb limit of 30 – 50 grams of carbs per day. Goal Weight: 140 lbs. It also sports 18 amino acids and nine essential amino acids allowing it to be a low calorie complete protein option. Scramble the eggs, milk, cinnamon, and honey in a medium bowl. The Daniel Fast is a type of fast that is based on the Biblical book of Daniel. Which I am sure the moderators can clarify for you. Just mill the grains together with a flour mill or a clean coffee grinder. However, when it comes to ezekiel bread, it depends on the ingredients used in the recipe. Ezekiel 4:9 Original Bread: Ezekiel bread is commonly found in the frozen bread section of most grocery stores and has lots of hearty nuts and seeds which help make it a blood sugar friendly option. One full slice of Dave’s Killer Bread 21 Whole Grains and Seeds (the kelly green package-easily the tastiest variety in my humble opinion) has 5 grams of sugar at 120 calories a slice. 25. We, however, wouldn’t let your dog eat multigrain bread for the following reasons. Garlic is often used in garlic. It also sports 18 amino acids and nine essential amino acids allowing it to be a low calorie complete protein option. There are over 3 times more calories in a slice of Ezekiel bread then there is a slice of white bread. Post op, 5lbs less than my goal and I'm thinking about trying Ezekiel bread. For people who accidentally let their dog eat some pumpernickel bread. The short answer is no; it is not a good idea to give your eager dog even a slice of bread made with a sourdough starter. This creation makes both a colorful and tasty breakfast treat. I've seen it in the freezer at Superstore as well - at my neighbourhood one it's in the freezer in the "natural foods" aisle, not the regular freezer, though. I make and eat the Bread Beckers recipe for Ezekiel Bread. The Ezekiel bread website states, "We discovered when these six grains and legumes are sprouted and combined, an amazing thing happens. That being said, there are some situations where bread can be very toxic for your dog. Protein: 5g. 99 a loaf (normally $5+). Many people who follow the Paleo diet will still enjoy Food for Life sprouted grain Ezekiel 4:9 bread once a week, maybe more. However, when it comes to ezekiel bread, it depends on the ingredients. The nutrition facts for one slice of Ezekiel 4:9 bread are: Calories: 80 Sugar: 0 grams Protein: 4 grams. These antioxidants do everything from fighting inflammation to improving skin quality. Also Check: Is Banana Bread Bad For Dogs. You will likely get symptoms if you eat it on a gluten-free diet. 6. Summary. Scrape the White Spots. One slice of Ezekiel bread contains around 14 g of protein, 3 g of fiber, 15 g of carbohydrates, 0. Although whole wheat bread has protein, fiber, and vitamins, there’s much more that sprouted grains can offer. Fresh pumpkin has a lot of health benefits. Udi’s Multigrain * or White Bread *. According to Jesus, for Him to heal her daughter would be as inappropriate as taking food from a child to give to a pet dog (Matthew 15:26). Nuts Nuts are allowed and even encouraged on the fast; however watch the labels to see how they are prepared and roasted. If the white spot feels powdery and fine, then it is probably flour. It contains a full complement of amino acids, unusual and invaluable in vegan products. Like any treatment, this one should be administered gradually at first and monitored for possible side effects. Improves Digestion. 1. Ezekiel bread is chock-full of nutrients that aid in growth and repair in the body. Franz Gluten Free Mountain White Bread. God told Ezekiel to bake this bread and eat it, reclining on his side no less, for the exact number of days Jerusalem was to be besieged. The quick answer is: yes, plain bread with no added ingredients is not toxic to dogs. However, some breads have phosphorus food additives in them. For the most part, bread is safe for dogs to eat, as long as you avoid breads. In fact NOT including the fiber (which is non-caloric), almost half the calories from Ezekiel. Plus, crunching on this orange root vegetable is great for. It also has a uniquely hearty, nutty taste due to the variety of sprouted grains and legumes (Think: wheat, barley, soybeans, lentils, etc. Sprouting & nutrients Bottom line Ezekiel bread is a nutritious bread. If you’re sharing a slice with your pooch, be sure to avoid breads containing these ingredients: Nuts — Macadamia nuts are especially toxic to dogs. JeanG. Small amounts of plain bread (no spices and definitely no raisins) won’t hurt your dog, but it also won’t provide any health benefits either. One study found that eating sprouted grain breads (not Ezekiel, but similar to it) reduced the blood sugar response and increases the glucagon response when compared to eating unsprouted breads, 11-grain, 12-grain, white, or sourdough. There are some types which may be toxic to your pup and will contain added extras such as nuts – macadamia nuts are toxic and all nuts are high in fat, which isn’t good for dogs. Evidence-Based What Is Ezekiel Bread, and Why Are People Obsessed. Also, it was made of only whole grains. This bread is often used as a way to improve one’s health, as it is packed with nutrients and minerals that the body needs. Improves Vitamin/Mineral Content. Refrigeration effectively keeps sprouted bread like English muffins with naturally occurring gluten for a few days. Yes, bread contains carbohydrates, but like all carbs, they can be part of a healthy diet (unless you have an actual allergy to wheat or gluten, in which. bagels. This as the name suggests will give a distended appearance of the abdomen but it is not a disease you would want to take chances with, it can be quickly fatal. . Bread is not toxic to dogs and will be unlikely to cause any digestive upset if given sparingly. Bakery – All varieties except their Cinnamon Raisin bread. It’s lean, full of protein, and stuffed to the gills with omega fatty acids. Regular whole-grain bread has around 45 grams of carbs in one four-ounce, while sprouted whole grain bread has 34 grams of carbs. Each slice of Ezekiel bread contains about 5 grams of protein, 3 grams of fiber, 0 grams of added sugar, and 80 calories. Dunk the Ezekiel bread in the egg mixture for 15 second on each side. Keep It In The Fridge. Ezekiel bread delivers protein. Best Ezekiel bread overall: Food for Life Ezekiel 4:9 Bread. You can still get a tasty bread and a lot of nutrition without all the guilt of consuming carbs. This distinctive ingredient combination provides several health benefits to the body. If the bread isn’t. Feeding bread to your parrot should be kept to a minimum, though, because bread contains high amounts of sodium. Avocados. Eggs are safe for dogs as long as they are fully cooked. Once they sprout, they are drained and ground up and mixed into dough. I try to go for simple. The fiber and protein in Ezekiel bread often improve satiety or the sense of fullness. Jan 26,2019 12:46 pm. (For comparison, a slice of whole wheat bread has 3. 6 comments. 20/oz. 2. Apparently, bread is a food that has healing powers. If you substitute Ezekiel bread for your standard sandwich bread or toast, you’ll eat fewer calories assuming all other dietary choices are the same. Their Ezekiel bread is true to the formulation, and is both organically certified and GMO-free. Nutrition Fitness and Nutrition. I'm just starting the IBS diet strictly for a 1 month test to see how it works for me and wasn't sure if the sprouted grains was an option or not. Udi’s Multigrain * or White Bread *. 6. A complete protein is created that closely parallels the protein found in milk and eggs. I only mentioned the salt because that has been causing me water retention and bloating problems lately. Dogs can safely eat bread the same way as humans can – in moderation. At the sound of a can you eat ezekiel bread on the keto diet cawing overhead I looked Can You Eat Ezekiel Bread On The Keto Diet up at the tebow keto diet huge fighting machine that would fight no more for ever, at the tattered can you eat the diet red shreds of flesh that dripped down upon the overturned seats on the summit of Primrose. Add warm water, little by little, to the previous mixture and knead until a homogeneous texture is obtained. And, that you eat bread and other carbohydrates as part of a balanced diet. Kinda. Bread can serve as a temporary filler, but offers minimal nutritional benefits. Is Ezekiel bread healthier than whole wheat? Sprouted grains give Ezekiel bread much more nutritional value than whole wheat bread. Garlic & Onions. I like using the Ezekeil Bread flour to make waffles and pancakes. Due to the way it is made, it is not the best choice for your dog’s health. I am about to start WW and I love eating sandwiches because they are quick and easy. Breads with additives like chocolate. repeat above step until all bread is in a bag. It also contained no added sugar, unlike most types of bread made of refined wheat or pulverized whole wheat. Starting Weight: 241 lbs. Udi’s Classic Hamburger * & Hot Dog Buns *. Most of the recipe actually comes from the Bible (the Book of Ezekiel), but it’s likely the manufacturers ignored the Biblical instructions that call for it to be baked over a. It only tastes sweet because of the added sweeteners. Benefits Of Ezekiel Bread. It’s an excellent source of vitamin A, beta-carotene, fatty acids, and vitamin C. Pumpkin Bread For Dogs. It is also sugar-free (technically) and is low in sodium. Yes, just like us, your dog can safely eat bread in moderation. . If you choose to pick up your order in-store, there is no minimum purchase required. As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to provide your bird with a balanced and nutritious diet. Whole grain breads, such as whole wheat or rye, give you a healthy option. Ezekiel bread is a type of organic, sprouted whole wheat bread. The lack of eggs and milk, as well as general carbohydrates, makes Ezekiel bread diabetic friendly. Ezekiel Bread Nutritional Facts. 5. Arepas, buckwheat, chapati, chickpea bread, corn bread, dosa, injera, lavash, lefse, naan, sourdough, soda bread, pumpernickel, roti, and spelt breads are all fun to try, though there are so many more. Comes out to 12g of protein and 110 cals per bagel, you can bump it to 18g if you substitute some of the flour for unflavored whey powder. Dogs can safely eat bread in much the same way as humans—in moderation. Yes and no. The brief response is yes. For reference, a slice of white bread contains 0. Because of that, we should think of bread as an occasional treat instead of a diet staple. Raw, unsalted nuts are the best; however they can be difficult to find. 00 or more on your order. Preheat the oven to 375°F. ago. Bread: Yes, dogs can eat bread. You should be able to find more nutritious foods that are more keto-friendly than Ezekiel bread too. 6g Protein. Ingredients to avoid in bread for cats include: Onions may be delicious to us, but onion is toxic to cats. Meanwhile, Ezekiel bread has four types of cereal grains — wheat, barley, spelt, and millet — and two types of legumes — lentils and soybeans. Black beans, lentils, and other beans can be grinded in a coffee grinder. For me, this is one thing I am refuse to add back in, even post-Whole30. You can also check their website or call HQ to confirm. So as long as you're getting fiber and other nutrients from elsewhere, it really doesn't matter what type of bread you eat. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and stir or. Little bits of plain bread, baguettes, and rolls are all fine for most dogs to try if given as an occasional treat. Thank you for the list. ; Spicy Classic Turkey: 2 slices of toasted whole wheat bread topped with Sriracha mayo, 3 slices of roasted turkey breast,. It takes 35 seconds to heat up in the microwave. This includes flour, salt, water, and yeast. Even for dogs that are able to tolerate cheese, it is probably best fed in moderation. Another fantastic low calorie bread that's also keto-friendly, Kiss My Keto breads are made with vital wheat gluten, so they feel and taste just like real bread, but without the high. 5 g fat (0 g saturated fat), 75 mg sodium, 15 g carbs (3 g fiber, 0 g sugar), 5 g protein. Let mixture sit five minutes. Can you eat oatmeal on Bright Line Eating? 9) Bright Line Eating Breakfast Meal 9 Cooked oatmeal with nut butter and fruit. While some ingredients in Ezekiel bread, such as wheat, barley, and spelt, contain gluten, it’s important to note that the sprouting process may reduce the overall gluten content. Then layer avocado slices, tomato and raw cheese. Ezekiel bread is a flourless bread made from sprouted grains. 3. Height: 5 feet 4 inches. Ezekiel Sprouted Whole Grain Bread* This bread has 3 grams of fiber per slice and only 75mg of sodium. What are the benefits of eating ezekiel bread? Ezekiel bread is a nutritious option that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Giving your pup bread as a treat will not harm him or her as long as the rest of the pet’s diet. Image Credit: Pixabay. It’S Not A New Food, Though; It’S Actually A Centuries-Old Recipe That Dates Back To Ancient Babylonian Times. All of these reasons support the claim that Food for Life Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Grain Breads are the healthiest bread you can eat. It can be harmful to their health. Sprouted Grain Bread: Why It's Healthier than Regular Bread Axe. Sprinkle beet hummus with one teaspoon of crumbled feta. One slice of Ezekiel bread contains 80 calories, 0. Instead you can make your own or purchase bread that is gluten free, with high fiber content and lower carbs. PER SLICE: 120 calories, 4. Any bread given to your parrot should ideally be a healthy option, like brown bread. Yes, dogs can eat bread in small quantities as an occasional treat, barring any allergies to its ingredients. Let’s keep this one short and sweet: Ezekiel bread and sprouted grains of wheat, rye, barley, or any wheat “cousin” such as faro, etc DO contain gluten. It was more like pita bread, or flatbread. ” Because foreign lands were considered unclean (see Hosea 9:3–4 ; Amos 7:17 ), living and eating in other lands was considered unclean. Whole wheat bread is fortified “enriched” flour and it’s not healthy. 02 g of fiber. In fact, eating bread every day might actually improve your blood pressure. Some breads are safe to eat as long as it’s in moderation, others are dangerous if they contain ingredients that are known to be toxic to dogs. First, bread in general tends to just be a calorie filler for dogs. Lastly, the high sodium content in naan bread can lead to increased thirst in. We are pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA, pro-science, proudly feminist and believe that Black Lives Matter. You will likely get symptoms if you eat it on a gluten-free diet. The combo of fiber and protein helps keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer, as well as promoting healthy digestion and nutrient absorption. Ezekiel fills his stomach and finds the scroll to be “as sweet as honey” (Ezekiel 2:8–3:3). freeze all Ziploc bags. Bread can serve as a temporary filler, but offers minimal nutritional benefits. While some dogs can eat cheese, and most dogs love it, many dogs can be intolerant of cheese. The bread is Jesus' ability to heal and cast out demons. Because of that, we should think of bread as an occasional treat instead of a diet staple. Ezekiel Toast with Avocado, Feta, and Beet Hummus. If you are in the midst of your Whole30, you will want to avoid all grains, even sprouted. If you choose to pick up your order in-store, there is no minimum purchase required. To determine how much bread your cat can safely eat, you'll need to do a little math. While savory for us humans, garlic bread is a big no-no for dogs. Ingesting sprouted seeds & grains is not only safe, but it guarantees an explosion of good. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. If you feed your dog bread, stick to plain white or wheat bread and make it an occasional treat. The makers of Ezekiel 4:9 bread, Food for Life, declined to comment for. An average slice of white bread has around 20-25 calories, but an average slice of Ezekiel bread has 80 calories. Preheat your oven to around 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Eating whole grains has been linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Sprouted wheat is not safe for celiac patients. Plus, breads with chocolate chips. Dogs can eat bread, but only in moderation. Add warm water, little by little, to the previous mixture and knead until a homogeneous texture is obtained. Otherwise, most dogs can tolerate baked. Symptoms include excessive thirst and urination, stomach upset, seizures, and heart failure. Nonetheless, if you have celiac disease [6] or gluten intolerance, [7] you should avoid Ezekiel bread due to its gluten content. Weight loss depends on calorie balance—consuming fewer than you burn each day. Spelt bread: Berlin Bakery Whole Grain Spelt Bread. If your dog is eating, drinking, and behaving normally, they’re likely not in any danger. No. Here are some of the health benefits of eating ezekiel bread: High in Protein: Ezekiel bread contains 4 grams of protein per slice, making it an excellent source of protein for those following a plant-based diet. Garlic or onions: Never feed your dog garlic bread, bagels, or other bread that contains garlic or onions. i avoid it. If you feed your dog bread, stick to plain white or wheat bread and make it an occasional treat. If you can spare the macros, Ezekiel bread is a keto-friendly bread alternative. Some keto dieters can eat up to 60 grammes of carbs per day without gaining weight. Wheat, barley, and spelt all contain gluten, so Ezekiel bread is out of the question for people with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. There are some types which may be toxic to your pup and will contain added extras such as nuts – macadamia nuts are toxic and all nuts are high in fat, which isn’t good for dogs. Many gluten-sensitive people find they can enjoy sprouted grain bread Ezekiel’). Personal Training Coaching Application: Gainey Clothing Company: germination process that Ezekiel bread goes through makes the vitamins and minerals in this bread more easily available and more readily absorbed by the body. 22/oz. Wheat is a fairly common allergen in dogs. Potentially, Ezekiel bread is a better choice for those on the paleo diet than other brands. These breads are made with sprouted grains that are naturally gluten free, such as quinoa, millet, and amaranth. Let mixture sit five minutes. The squirrels gain weight quite fast. i avoid it. If you’re wondering if cockatiels can eat bread, know that yes, they can safely consume certain types of bread, though it isn’t recommended as a dietary mainstay for them. These breads are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein when compared to refined, processed options like white bread. Symptoms of an allergy include itching, dry skin, ear infections, paw chewing, and excessive licking. 4. Ezekiel bread is teeming with nutrients. It may be less and you may FEEL okay or less bad, but eating gluten as a celiac or gluten-sensitive individual DOES compromise your health. It is usually located in the freezer section. This means that Essene bread is a more traditional type of bread, while Ezekiel bread is a more. The Ezekiel 4:9 line includes a variety of bread, including buns and tortilla wraps too. Safe carbs for me are sweet and white potatoes, other tubers, and white rice. Over 100 million adults in America have high blood pressure, as noted by the American Heart Association. Ezekiel bread undergoes a unique process and contains a powerful combination of ingredients that can help your body in numerous ways. Unfortunately, Ezekiel bread has gluten in it. So, consuming anything over 2 slices of Ezekiel bread per day will fill up most of that quota. February. Unique from most buns today, sprouted grain buns are nutritionally exceptional. Can Dogs Eat Rye Bread? In addition to white and wheat bread, rye bread is perfectly fine for dogs without wheat allergies to. All deep fried foods. Ezekiel bread contains organic grains and legumes, including: wheat; barley; spelt;. Anti-choice activists, intactivists, anti-vaxxers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, etc. Rye bread also contains a range of other nutrients, including calcium and iron. In a separate bowl mix the milled flour, yeast, milled flax seed, dough enhancer, and gluten until well combined. A 24-ounce loaf of Food For Life Ezekiel 4:9 bread costs just over $5. This will not form a ball, as it's a wet batter. Q: How can Food for Life make bread without flour? A: We start with whole, certified organically grown grains, beans and seeds, and sprout them in water. Sometimes it includes other ingredients like brown rice, oats, rye, sesame or sorghum. 22+ Can Dogs Eat Ezekiel Bread. If you were to give your pet bread it would need to be in moderation and preferably white or wheat bread. It weighs 34 grams a slice. 5 grams of sugar. Cinnamon Raisin Sprouted Whole Grain Bread. ago. Don’t feed your dog bread as part of a sandwich unless you’ve checked the other ingredients to make sure they’re all safe for dogs. Remove your bread from the oven and leave it to cool before eating it. White bread has 2 grams of fiber, 5 grams of sugar, and 4 grams of protein in two slices (for 140 calories). What grains should dogs avoid? Grain-free dog food excludes commonly used cereal grains like wheat, corn, rice, sorghum, barley, and rye. Bread’s high digestibility makes it a great source of readily available energy, part of the reason why it’s popular and has been a staple for the past thousand years. You shouldn’t eat mold on bread or from a loaf with visible spots. Ezekiel bread is typically made without eggs or milk, creating a vegetarian or vegan-friendly baked bread. remove frozen slices from bags as needed. I am the LORD. 0. Both vegetarian and vegan diet followers enjoy it. Posted October 12, 2017. Nuts: Some nuts are toxic to dogs, especially macadamia nuts, which can cause pancreatitis. On top of feta sprinkle a couple of spoonfuls of avocado. So, by eating Ezekiel 4:9 Bread consumers can more easily absorb calcium. Wear your masks, wash your hands, and be excellent to each other. In much the same manner as humans, dogs can consume bread — in moderation. Yes, dogs can eat brown bread as long as there are no seeds or other potentially harmful ingredients. Ezekiel bread is one of the healthiest breads available. Food For Life’s Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Grain Bread not only contains 3 grams of fiber, but it also has 5 grams of protein, which can also help slow the. However, you can assume that one slice of bread contains anywhere from 15-25 grams of carbohydrates, 4-8 grams of fat, and usually no protein. “Swapping a higher-calorie bread for a lower-calorie one could help promote the calorie reduction needed for. Ezekiel bread is a type of bread that is made with sprouted whole grain flour. While it’s always a bad idea to give your dog too much bread, sourdough has even more issues for dogs. If your cat has eaten onion bread, you need to call your vet immediately. It weighs 34 grams a slice. Both are nutritionally dense & good to go. ”. This lowers its carb content. Ezekiel bread contains 18 amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, including all nine essential amino acids. “Keep Ezekiel bread at its prime: cool, dry,. Ezekiel bread contains 18 amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, including all nine essential amino acids. Can dogs eat Ezekiel bread? While dogs can eat small amounts of Ezekiel bread without immediate harm, it is not recommended as a regular part of their diet. Sharing is caring! Cooked sourdough bread is not harmful to dogs. Step #4: Call your veterinarian. If your pup has allergies, gluten intolerance, or a sensitive stomach, bread might not be a good choice. Ezekiel bread is a staple sprouted grain that can be found in almost any diet, despite being a staple in. This Ezekiel bread recipe is a must-try for bread lovers. Foods to be avoided include sugar, alcohol, fungi, yeasts and processed foods. 6 grams of fiber and 1. Nutrition Fitness and Nutrition. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying: I will try again tomorrow. What kind of bread can you eat on keto? Keto diet does not allow regular white, wheat, oat, rye, or multigrain breads. "The fiber in Ezekiel bread is also important for good health, as it helps with digestion and can help prevent constipation. This healthy bread recipe yields 10 servings and takes 60 minutes to make. Ezekiel bread is not allowed because it contains yeast. Remove your load from the freezer, and wrap it in foil to prevent it from drying out in the oven. 3 Ways To Store Ezekiel Bread. Why Ezekiel Bread is The Healthiest Bread You Can Eat. . Ezekiel bread is not consistent with a keto diet. 5g of fats and 3 grams of fiber. He must not eat anything found dead or torn by wild animals, which would make him unclean. thaw it out. For some people the sugar is a dealbreaker but I cut out sugar in other areas/meals throughout the day so I eat a toasted piece every morning for breakfast and. Food for Life has a well-deserved reputation for making high-quality organic food. 1. One of the easiest ways to tell whether the white spots on bread are mold or flour is by scraping it off with your finger. However, it is recommended to consume in moderation, as it is high in calories. But Amazon Prime members can get. "Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Whole Grain Breads are flourless and instead rely on a unique combination of freshly sprouted grains and legumes like wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet, and spelt,". True Ezekiel bread is very healthy compared to most bread products you are likely to find in the supermarket. Simply mix cauliflower with eggs and ground almonds to make a pizza crust which is very similar to the real deal. The macronutrients for bread can depend on what kind you’re eating. You will also need to call if they have eaten a large quantity of bread or if you suspect the bread may have been moldy. It provides nutritional benefits rarely seen in breads, including a complete protein that closely parallels the protein found in dairy and egg products. Set the powders aside. While bread can be baked over a traditional fire, as seen above, the Babylonian siege was expected to be so devastating that preparations were made to build fires with human excrement instead of traditional sources. Eating moldy bread could make. 2. A 24-ounce loaf of Food For Life Ezekiel 4:9 bread costs just over $5. It would be best if you can tell from the texture of the white spot, whether it is flour or mold. Apparently, bread is a food that has healing powers. It is best to stick with a bland diet of boiled chicken or white rice until the stomach settles down. As many have said before, wheat, sprouted or not, contains gluten. The Ezekiel 4:9 bread contains 80 calories, 1 gram of fat, no cholesterol, 80 milligrams of sodium, 75 milligrams of potassium, 14 grams of carbohydrate, 3 grams of fiber, and 4 grams of protein per slice. The fiber found in whole grains also has a positive impact on digestive health. Edit: I’m sorry I forgot to answer your direct question! I wouldn’t eat Ezekiel bread because it still has gluten and for me would cause negative symptoms. 05 g. Is Ezekiel bread safe to consume during pregnancy? Yes, Ezekiel bread is safe to consume during pregnancy. Now I just need to find. PER SLICE: 120 calories, 4. Yes, a bite or two, not more than that unless you want to see him sick. Can Dogs Eat Bread Crust? The outer and inner parts of the bread can also be fed to pets like dogs in moderation. Cinnamon Raisin Bread. Feeding bread to your parrot should be kept to a minimum, though, because bread contains high amounts of sodium. Apparently there is some kind of enzymatic process that reduces the amount of gluten, but the gluten is still there.